Archive for the ‘Planet Earth’ Category

An Hour Today, A Lifetime Of Change

March 23rd, 2011

Earth Hour March 26, 2011 8:30 PM Local TimeYou can help the planet, by turning off the lights and participating in Earth Hour. An eco-minded movement that began in 2007, Earth Hour encourages a united display of support towards the sustainability of our planet. On March 26, 2011 at 8:30 PM local time, join people and businesses across the world in turning off the lights for one hour.

The global need for change continues beyond the one hour display on March 26th. There are many small lifestyle changes that can have a positive impact on the environment. A simple idea is purchasing foods that have had little negative impact on society such as buying local produce or products marked with the Fairtrade logo. Other ideas include telecommuting to work, riding a bike to your local store, and reading eBooks on a reader such as the Kindle from Amazon. Aim to go digital instead of tangible, anytime you can.

Turn off the lights this Saturday. But when the lights come back on, consider what other changes you will make in order to help create a more sustainable planet.

This Week I'm Thinking About: Mike French