Archive for the ‘My Poetry’ Category

Sitting In A Ralphs Parking Lot
Looking For World Peace

March 25th, 2012

I wish there was someone who would understand that they will never understand, and be ok with it. That I’m not someone to be fixed or needs to be.
I am a flower. I’m full of grey petals, or something in-between.
I’d like to make myself forget.
I came here looking for world peace.
I’m not gonna break, but i’m sure I will continue to worry about it. But not the “it” you think.
It’s washing me away. I’m not ready and I don’t understand it all.
The satellites convene in one location. Things like that drive me out of my mind.

{inspired/stolen from: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Satellite of Love, and Anna Begins}

Here We Are Now, Entertain Us

December 22nd, 2009

This application on facebook I first found really fascinating.  It takes all your status’ of the year, and forms them into a new year’s card collage.  What an interesting way to sum up a year. 

However, it wasn’t.  It had a VERY limited amount of space.  I started eliminating all long status’ and started choosing mainly the really short ones.  And since I speak mostly in lyric or quote, mainly chose those.  This is what I came up with.



April 13th, 2009

(written 6/11/97)

Oh sweet Verona
Oh sweet Verona
Oh sweet Verona
You damn bastard premature Verona

In Search Of Water (Ravenna)

April 13th, 2009

(written in 1997)

I see you in all these places
I long for you everywhere I go
I wander the city
but I end up farther away

In Search Of Ravenna

April 5th, 2009

In Search Of Ravenna

I left in search of Ravenna
not knowing when i’d return
or what I would find

I left in search of Ravenna
          but I found you

This Week I'm Thinking About: Mike French