Now That’s Small

May 11th

minicomp_smWoke up around 6am this morning after about 4 hours of sleep. I felt smokey, and grimy and sweaty. It was a gross night of sleep. Packed up our things, and then had some breakfast. Hotel complimentary breakfast’s sure do beat the continental breakfast’s in the US. We checked out of the hotel, and caught a cab to the train station. Got in line at 8:20 am to catch the 9:30 train to Venice. However there was one leaving at 8:35 so we got that instead. Pulled out our slick tiny computer and have been typing in notepad these journals, for website postings later. Its a great way to spend the 2.5 hour train ride. Too bad there isn’t wireless on this train in order to streamline the process. But I am grateful for the chance to catch up on some journals. I am caught up now,for now, and we just passed the Vicenza train station. We have approximately 30 minutes left of this train ride, and then a walk to our hotel in Venice.

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2 Responses to “Now That’s Small”

  1. KC says:

    what kind of computer is that? We were looking to buy one while here. How much does it weigh? Is it easy to tote around?

  2. Andy says:

    its the new sony lifestyle computer. its the quintessential travel computer if you just have basic needs. i love it. it is 1.4 pounds. super light, and super tiny.

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This Week I'm Thinking About: Vicki Flock