Operation Hot Mother (Motherboy XXX)

This article ran a long time ago, but I am a proud son so I wanted to make sure to grab the link and the article and post it here for posterity.  http://www.floristsreview.com/main/march/featurestory2.html

Debbie Morales
Holiday Flowers of San Diego
San Diego, Calif.

Date: Oct. 8, 2006
Ceremony and reception site: Admiral Kidd Club, a military facility on San Diego Harbor
Number in wedding party: 9
Number of guests: 185
Approximate retail floral bill: $7,500

Not everybody can pull off an oceanside surfboard ceremony, but for this couple, who got engaged while scuba diving (the groom had written “Will you marry me?” on a wipe-off board), it made sense. The couple—the florist’s daughter and new son-in-law—had spent time in Southeast Asia and requested orchids and other tropical flowers that reminded them of that experience. Leis of green and white Dendrobium orchids adorned the “altar” along with coordinating tropical arrangements. The most tedious part, Debbie Morales shares, was ensuring that the borrowed surfboards did not get damaged. She created the horizontal spray in a casket saddle and secured it to one board with pew hooks. Twenty-two “trees,” made of brake fern and Dendrobium orchids, were created by inserting bouquet holders into 8-foot-tall bamboo shoots. The trees helped direct guests from the ceremony to the reception.

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One Response to “Operation Hot Mother (Motherboy XXX)”

  1. Lisa says:

    That was a beautiful wedding! Great photos. I love all of the arrested development references on this website… that show was brilliant!! Aboslutely brilliant.

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