Will you be calling it “Twenty-Ten?” or “Two-Thousand and Ten?” or my new favorite, “010” (oh-one-oh).
I have never been a big proponent of New Year’s Resolutions, or more generically of goal setting. I have learned over the years that life doesn’t always go the way you expect it or hope. I have adjusted to life by being adaptable, not getting stuck on any one thought or idea, and having the flexibility to change directions.
I have created goals these past few years, but staying with this go with the flow type attitude, I have kept them generic yet worthy.
I have decided that every year I am going to have the goal to get in better shape: mentally, spiritually, and physically. This is a generic enough goal, but also a goal that has deep substance to it. Although pithy, it is a goal that I can always strive for and feel good about.
However, all that being said, I think this year I am going to box myself in a little bit more, and create goals that fall within those categories; Actual specific outcomes to help me get in better shape in those categories. I will try to keep them realistic and reachable, so as to not overwhelm myself and give up. And the physical goals are dependant on a healthy body (I go in for a knee MRI tomorrow). Baby steps towards measured life improvement. Also, since some goals could perhaps be covered in multiple categories, I won’t separate them.
Get in better shape phyisically, spirtually, and mentally-
In no particular order:
- Read one book during the year
- Read one chapter of the bible twice a month
- Go to church one time per month
- Post to Snide Remarks two times per month
- Go for a run or walk two times per month
- Go to the gym two times per month
- Volunteer one time for the year
- Review my finances two times for the year
- Write one card per month to a loved one
- Look to further my career once every two months
- Practice guitar two times per month
- Practice piano two times per month
- Do twenty-five push-ups a month
- Do twenty-five sit-ups a month
- Have a child
- Call my grandparents four times for the year
- Complete four of my “big” projects for the year – those items I always seem to be pushing off
- Donate money two times for the year
- Buy one new song a month
- Floss one time a week
I have been thinking over some of these for the past few months. I should have written them down then. I reserve the right to add to this list if I recall them.