Posts Tagged ‘baseball’


May 24th, 2013

A great game to play at a baseball game, better with more people, but I have played with as little as 3.

It is your batter…

Out = -.10
1B = +.10
2B = +.20
3b = +.30
HR = +.25
Beach Ball on Field = -$1
HBP = +.10
Walk = +.10
Sacrafice = Even
Reach By Error (unless it is a single and an error etc) = Even
RBI = +.10
SB = +.10
CS = -.10
K Swinging = -.10
K Looking = -.25

Paid out to each player, or from each player

I Forgot My Keys

December 29th, 2009

So I had a reaaaallly odd dream last night.  I do not know what it means.  But it is so odd, I thought that I would post it here.

I was at work, but it was in a different office building (the outside was Painted Rock Elementary), and the building was close enough to my home that I could  walk home from work.

They had moved our desks all around, and now mine was out in the open, next to the presidents office in a classroom sized room.  My desk was like teacher school desks,  and not cubicles.  I had people all around me at their desks.  I was feeling the stress of ALWAYS having to be on my game with people looking over my shoulders at all times.

My dream spanned two days and at the end of each day, when I left work I forgot my keys.  So this second day, I hitched a ride with two women who were driving a blue truck.  They were going to take me to get my keys, which I thought I had left in my hotel room in Vegas.  So they started driving me to Vegas.  We could see the strip, and the freeway back to San Diego was PACKED with traffic.  I said, “doh, I just realized, I had my keys at my office back in carmel mountain ranch.  We didn’t need to drive all this way, but could have just gone a block or two.  They made a u turn, knew a short cut, and 3 blocks later we were back in Carmel Mountain Ranch for my keys.

The end of the story was me telling this story to someone, and that “I needed my keys”  cause ever since the break-ins in my neighborhood, I dont keep a spare key out anymore.

the end

one other aspect, I just remembered.  as I was walking away at one point, i ran into “my baseball team” that was waiting to practice.  and I said surprised to see them,  “I showed up to practice all those times, but no one else was there, i thought y’all had folded”

Take Advantage Of Everything

December 6th, 2009

I was reading an article in my Sports Illustrated a few months ago, and for some reason the last paragraph really stood out to me.  If you have followed along with my snide remarks this last year, you will know that I have become a big proponent of the phrase “Viva La Vida” in the sense of carpe diem.  This paragraph was another example of someone in life wanting to live each day.

“I would love to win another World Series,” he says. “It seems like, yes, that was a long time ago. I don’t want to second-guess myself when I retire. I want to know that I did everything that I could possibly do for my teammates to give us a chance to win. If it didn’t happen, I don’t want it to be because I didn’t give it my best.”

“Every time I have a chance to pitch in the playoffs, it’s great to me. Because I know that one day, I won’t be able to do it. And so I want to take advantage of everything.”

I love how Mariano Rivera, even though he is extremely accomplished, still wants to take advantage of everything and not miss any opportunities.

Umpire State Building

April 8th, 2009

Baseball is back!

Batting PracticeI went to my first game of this year last night with Geoff and had a great time.  We got there before the gates opened up, and as soon as we were allowed, we ran up to the 2nd deck in left field looking for any home run balls that the Padres may have hit during batting practice.  Sadly there were none (go figure).  We stayed up there for a few rounds of Dodgers bp, and even Manny couldn’t muster one towards us.  It was great watching them run their sprints and “toss” the ball back and forth (even in just lightly throwing, they throw so fast).

We headed up to the top of the Western Metal Supply building and had a plate full of nachos and a great (albeit small and expensive) rum & coke while watching the end of bp.

Manny RamirezThe game was great.  My favorite moment was when Manny turned a single into a double by just jogging to the ball really lazily.  He picked up the ball and just lobbed it into 3rd base.  I’m not even sure if our runner had passed 1st base yet.

Manny is a funny guy.  He is arguably one of the top 10 hitters of all time, but what gets him a lot of notoriety is his crazy antics.  From wearing mp3 player sunglasses while in the field, falling asleep on the bench, not running out fly balls, not hustling in the field–Manny does some boneheaded things.  They say “that’s just Manny being Manny” to explain things away.  They know that he is too talented to ruffle his feathers, and they know that his antics are not malicious.

Do you have someone that you work with, come across, that is like that?  Where you can pass off their behavior, or people don’t ruffle their feathers and they just say “that’s just [name] being [name].”

One of my favorite Manny moments of all time is when he cut off the throw from another outfielder.  I was trying to find a clip of it just now, but can’t seem to.  This picture to the right is all I got for ya to demonstrate the Manny being Manny flair.

The Padres mustered a few runs and ended up defeating the Dodgers.  It is probably the first time since last April that they held a .500 or better record.

I had a great time hanging out with Geoff and even more because we won!

The best thing about Heath Bell coming in to close the game (I miss you Trevor), is the video he has play right before jogging in from the bullpen (0:37-2:07 –though, they edit a little).

“This is where we hold them!  This is where we fight!  This is where they die!  On these shields, boys! Ahuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Remember this day, men, for it will be yours for all time…

…Hold…Give them nothing, but take from them, everything!”



Two Great Classics (Goofy and Bugs Bunny)



This Week I'm Thinking About: Carson Wilt