Posts Tagged ‘death and all his friends’

It’s Not If I Believe In Love, If Love Believes In Me

March 4th, 2009

I added new songs to my home page under “Songs On Repeat.”  I’ve been really digging these songs lately, and continuously hitting back on my ipod or car or itunes (too bad you can’t hit repeat on Pandora).  I hope you enjoy them too.

u2_nolineonthehorizonMoment Of Surrender
No Line On The Horizon
This song is on their new album which I have been listening to practically non-stop for a few weeks.  It is an album that takes a few listens before it grabs you.  Track 3 on the album is this song and I keep finding myself going back to it.  It has a pulsating bass and drum that is reminiscent of another favorite U2 track, So Cruel (Achtung Baby).  There is a passion behind the words that comes out when Bono is singing.  Moment of Surrender is a track that grooves and possesses soul. 

Begging to get back
To my heart
To the rhythm of my soul
To the rhythm of my consciousness
To the rhythm of yes
To be released from control

Day & Age
The Killers
Simply put, this song rocks.  I love the buildup of the hi-hat from the 3rd second to the 8th second of the song.  I love the driving beats, and they lyrics are ones that I can not just hear and enjoy, but feel and relate to as well.  I think there have been days when all I have listened to is this song.  If you haven’t seen it on these pages already, you definitely have to check out my snide of their cool light show performance at the MTV European Video Awards. 

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Give my regards to soul and romance,
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, Wish me well..
You’ve gotta let me go

Damien Rice
This song sounds like it should be in a movie.  I could totally hear it as a track that plays while a montage of a relationship plays itself out during a movie about boy meets girl – boy loses girl – boy looks for girl – boy finds girl.  Or it could be found in a tv show on the WB (or wait, its the CW now?).  Its a really pretty song that is a roller coaster of emotions.  It definitely packs a punch.

I gave me away
I could have knocked off the evening
But I was lonelily looking for someone to hold
In a way I lost all I believed in
And I never found myself so low

Since I didn’t put in a snide for the first set of songs that I had on repeat, I will list them here in case you ever want to check them out.

Round Here (Live At Elysee Montmartre – Paris, France – December 9th, 1994)
August And Everything After – Deluxe Edition
Counting Crows

You Got Growing Up To Do (Demo Version)
Unclear Sky
Joshua Radin

Death And All His Friends
Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends

This Week I'm Thinking About: Carson Wilt