And It’s All Vanity

I created and mailed 3 new compliations to my friend Josh this week.  As usual, I used some photography from my trips for the artwork.  Another usual for me, is naming the disc from a lyric on that particular disc.  Click on an image for a larger view and the ability to scroll.

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5 Responses to “And It’s All Vanity”

  1. Lisa says:

    These are awesome!

  2. Josh says:

    They are all awesome. Especially when I’ve been itching for some new music…

  3. Josh says:

    Thanks Andy!

  4. debbie says:

    I think I recognize a couple of the photo locations…intriguing to see them in a different context.

  5. Andy says:

    mom, the art:

    1 row: A. Grafitti along the via del amore in the cinque terre.
    B. mosaic along the floor of the church in rome that houses the “St Teresa in Ecstasy”

    2. row: A. Room I rented at Lake Como. Awesome hotel if you are ever there.
    B. a little ‘square’ in montalcino where they would sit during “strolling hour”

    3. Row A: the lonely soldier…a soldier goes home after working at the colloseeum.

    B. the colloseum.

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This Week I'm Thinking About: Mike French