Bye Venice

Just uploaded a lot of snide’s, although with computer issues.  We leave tomorrow morning from venice at 5 am for a 7 hour train ride to the cinque terre.  Ciao Bellisimo

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4 Responses to “Bye Venice”

  1. Joey says:

    Steaks, Smithwick’s, and Quesadillas at Andy’s sans Andy

  2. Joey says:

    doh… won’t let me embed that — makes sense:
    smithsonian’ssteaks with no andy

  3. Juan says:

    Smithsonian’s Beer was good, so were the steaks but you were missed a lot!!!!!

  4. Adam says:

    The steaks were a little rare for me but just how Andy likes them. Smithwick’s and a quesadilla grilled to perfection and I was in heaven. We could have used a 4th for fifa. Andy anyone?

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