Experience Your America – Remember Pearl Harbor

A couple of years ago I took a trip with Debbie, Steve, Lisa, Vicki and Juan to Oahu.  We originally were going to see U2 perform, but U2 sadly cancelled their show.  Due to poor weather, we spent most of the trip travelling around the island getting a personal tour from my parents, who used to live there.  It ended up being a really special trip doing things I wouldn’t normally do in Hawaii.

One of the things we did, was go visit the USS Arizona Memorial.  Always a sobering experience of history, I was able to learn more personal information about the day and the people of December 7, 1941.

On each of our tickets was biographical information about someone involved.  I saved three of these tickets and today being December 7th, I’d like to acknowledge these brave men and women again.

johnwilliamfinnJohn William Finn
Los Angeles, California
Chief Aviation Ordnance Man
United States Navy
Kaneohe Naval Air Station

For extraordinary heroism…
Chief Finn promptly secured and manned a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the ramp which was under heavy enemy machine gun fire…Painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and return the enemy’s fire vigorously and with telling effect throughout the enemy bombing and strafing attacks.
…received the Medal of Honor 


jamesgdanielss3James G. Daniels III
Kansas City, Missouri
United States Navy Aviator
USS Enterprise

Wing and a Prayer
On the evening of December 7, 1941, Ensign Daniels was part of an air search comprised of six F4F “Wildcat” fighters.  Their mission was to locate the Japanese Fleet.  Unable to find the enemy, they were ordered to land on Oahu.  On arrival at Pearl Harbor, they were mistaken for the enemy and five of the six aircraft were shot down.  Two pilots were killed instantly, one died later and three survived, including Ensign Daniels.  He was the only pilot to land safely at the naval station on Ford Island.  After his harrowing experience, he called to tell his wife, Helen, that he was okay and very much alive.


dorismillerDoris Miller
Waco, Texas
Mess Attendant, 2nd Class
United States Navy
USS West Virginia

First African-American to receive…
For devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and disregard for his own personal safety during the attack on Pearl Harbor…While at the side of his Captain on the bridge of the battleship USS West Virginia, Miller, despite enemy bombing and strafing and in the face of serious fire, assisted in moving his Captain who had been mortally wounded, to a place of greater safety and operated a machine gun until ordered to leave the bridge.
…the Navy Cross

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10 Responses to “Experience Your America – Remember Pearl Harbor”

  1. joey says:

    it’s crazy that these are true stories of heroism… not some hollywood movie — nice writeup!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andy Morales, Gorirra Consulting. Gorirra Consulting said: Ben Affleck played a huge role too! RT @ty_frank: Remembering Pearl Harbor and a few involved that day http://bit.ly/8au0Ae […]

  3. veronica says:

    really nice!! I know all about John Finn because of my husband and was able to meet him at a birthday party the AO’s from the Reagan threw for him. Very interesting man. Thanks for that. 🙂

  4. Julie says:

    This is good day to reflect back and acknowledge these brave men and women. We often forget about the self-less acts of the American military hero’s. Thanks, Andy.

  5. Kelly says:

    Amazing. Just amazing. i can’t think of anything better to describe these people who’d do anything for their country irregardless of themselves. thank you so much to those who have served and thanks, Andy, for this memorial writeup.

  6. Chris says:

    Thanks for this write-up.
    I hope more people get to see this, given that the current White House administration would have us remember this attrocity (as Wilkow so eloquently reminds us) as no more than “a man-made disaster that was alledgedly committed by people of Asian decent”.
    These heroes including the ones you listed deserve better than that kind of remembrance and you certainly honored them with this posting.

  7. PK says:

    Bro, this is awesome! Really brings it home. I’m printing this and posting it up in my office!

  8. Andy says:

    One of my friends on facebook had this to say:

    I believe i will play to the pain.
    p.s. Doris Miller is a personal hero of mine.

    i like to think that if i am ever “tested” i would find that Doris Miller part of myself and chain up and run into the fight.

    a often missed quote of his that i heard from a survivor is “you should always place fear behind you so you run into a fight, not in front of you keeping you out of it” that runs statement runs my life.

  9. Lisa says:

    great post – so nice to remember those peopke

  10. Debbie says:

    So glad we could show you some of the Oahu we lived.Touched you saved those tickets. During the VietNam war we had copper braclets with POW’s names we wore until they came home.

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This Week I'm Thinking About: Mike French