
Check out Ryan Seacrest instinctually attempt to give a high-five to a contestant.  But then remembers that the guy is blind.  HA!

**Update (2/15/09)**
Apparently fox got embarrased and removed the video from the internet.  It was really funny though, so you will just have to imagine.

Other Great fives:




Top Gun



Scrubs (more of a handshake than a high-five)

Another Scrubs handshake from an outtake

honorable mention goes to Borat, but I couldn’t find a good clip or image.

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2 Responses to “High-Five”

  1. Lisa says:

    This is the sweetest post ever! High Five’s of all different kinds? How in the world did you think of that? When I was first looking at it I was thinking, “I’m going to tell Andy to add the high five with Turk and Elliot” and low and behold you already had it in there. I want to learn that one.

  2. Andy says:

    I still can’t get over seacrest.

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