I Christen Thee, The Flying Wasp

Cue Intro Music:

“I have a little poem I’d like to read in honor of this occasion, if I may. Spaulding, get your foot off the boat! :

It’s easy to grin
when your ship comes in 
and you’ve got the stock market beat.
But the man worthwhile
is the man who can smile
when his shorts are too tight in the seat”

…ah-ha-ha-ha. OK, Pookie, do the honors. ”

-Judge Smails


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2 Responses to “I Christen Thee, The Flying Wasp”

  1. Lisa says:

    Congratulations Andy and Joey on the launch of this site. It’s so–so–so–so super cool! The features are amazing, the design is wonderful, and creativity genious. It was worth the suspense filled wait.

  2. Andy says:

    Thank you. It was a lot of fun to birth-despite the sometimes painful pregnancy.

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