I Forgot My Keys

So I had a reaaaallly odd dream last night.  I do not know what it means.  But it is so odd, I thought that I would post it here.

I was at work, but it was in a different office building (the outside was Painted Rock Elementary), and the building was close enough to my home that I could  walk home from work.

They had moved our desks all around, and now mine was out in the open, next to the presidents office in a classroom sized room.  My desk was like teacher school desks,  and not cubicles.  I had people all around me at their desks.  I was feeling the stress of ALWAYS having to be on my game with people looking over my shoulders at all times.

My dream spanned two days and at the end of each day, when I left work I forgot my keys.  So this second day, I hitched a ride with two women who were driving a blue truck.  They were going to take me to get my keys, which I thought I had left in my hotel room in Vegas.  So they started driving me to Vegas.  We could see the strip, and the freeway back to San Diego was PACKED with traffic.  I said, “doh, I just realized, I had my keys at my office back in carmel mountain ranch.  We didn’t need to drive all this way, but could have just gone a block or two.  They made a u turn, knew a short cut, and 3 blocks later we were back in Carmel Mountain Ranch for my keys.

The end of the story was me telling this story to someone, and that “I needed my keys”  cause ever since the break-ins in my neighborhood, I dont keep a spare key out anymore.

the end

one other aspect, I just remembered.  as I was walking away at one point, i ran into “my baseball team” that was waiting to practice.  and I said surprised to see them,  “I showed up to practice all those times, but no one else was there, i thought y’all had folded”

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3 Responses to “I Forgot My Keys”

  1. Debbie says:

    rather detailed………..

  2. Lisa Liguori says:

    If you had to make up a chinese proverb (fortune cookie style like: He who listens much learns much) to tell the moral of the story of that dream, what would it be?

  3. Andy says:

    first id have to figure out the moral.

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This Week I'm Thinking About: Mike French