Insta Extra Grammy Gram Gram And WordPress From My Phone

My last few posts have been short and sweet.  Mainly just an image, or very little text.  I have been using an app on my phone called  I love it!  It is like the auto-tune for photos…basically it can make any photo look better.  It is really simple to use.  You take a picture.  You can then choose to use the tilt-shift feature (allows you to blur and focus a plateau of the image), and then you can choose a filter to use.

It has a great social effect in that you can follow certain users, and then see their images in your feed.  In your feed you can choose to “like” an image, or even leave a comment.

I also just discovered which is an online portal to view and comment all these images, when you are away from your phone or wish to save an image.

And one more tidbit to this post.  I also installed the wordpress app on my phone, so that I could send these pictures, or do quick posts from my phone.  I don’t intend to do long posts from my phone, but I did  want to share some pictures on my site from all the fun I have been having with instagram.  I have created a category on the right for these particular posts.


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This Week I'm Thinking About: Ryan Throop