Knee Surgery

My knee has bothered me for about 2 years now. It started by just feeling “unstable” when I would warm up for sport. It eventually got worse. Finally after one game one night, my knee got really swollen and stiff. So I saw a doctor and stopped playing sport. The doctor at one time told me that I shouldn’t even go for walks, that that was too much impact and stress. I went from playing sport 5-6 days a week, to zero exercise.Eventually I was able to start biking, but that wasn’t the same. After 9 months off and 12 weeks of physical therapy, it still wasn’t better. So we decided on surgery.

I had knee surgery on December 30th. It was an odd experience. I was really worried about having an IV stuck in me. I made sure to look away when that was happening, and keep my eyes off of it at all times. The nurse led me down the hall to the operating room, which was freezing cold, and I laid on the table. I had barely been on the table and I felt this very weird sensation…like my body was lifting from the table, and that my brain was shaking and about to burst. I mentioned aloud “I feel funny” and the doctor from the back of the room said “you’re supposed to feel that way.” The very next second–so it seemed–I was waking up with a nurse moving my hair off my face. I didn’t have the strength to fully open my eyes, so a little at a time I would open one and gage my surroundings. Eventually I was able to overcome the might of my anaesthesia eyelids.

I was on crutches, but able to limp around that day. I started theraphy the very next day. Within a day or two I was able to walk. I saw the doctor a week later. Apparently surgery only lasted 30 minutes. It would take me that long just to shave my knee–which is striking by the way. He said that it was good they did the surgery, cause it wouldn’t have healed on its own with time or therapy. The cartilage behind the kneecap was shredded and they needed to smooth it out, as well as do some meniscus repair. I had cartilage chunks floating through my knee joints. He said I may need a similar scope in 10-15 years, but by that time–the way science is going–they will be selling cartilege at Costco.

I am still doing therapy now 4 weeks later, and I hope to be able to sport it up again within the next 3 months. Woohoo.

Digging on my rough cartilage

Digging On My Cartilage

Rough Cartilage Behind The Kneecap

Rough Cartilage Behind The Kneecap

Frayed Cartilage

Frayed Cartilage

Loose Cartilage Floating Around My Knee Joint

Loose Cartilage Floating Around My Knee Joint



Medial Meniscus

Medial Meniscus

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5 Responses to “Knee Surgery”

  1. Lisa says:

    This reminds me of that show on the discovery channel where they show live operations. Larry, Sue and I were talking yesterday about how difficult it must have been for you to go from playing sports almost every night of the week to doing nothing for ten months. You’ve done a fabulous job of following doctor’s orders, doing your physical therapy and working hard to recover from your injury. I think the special ice bag deserves note in your post too. 🙂

  2. Andy says:

    The special ice bag was cool. Thanks for your support.

  3. Kristen says:

    Hi Andy! Your website is awesome! Surgery is amazing, isn’t it? Those are some cool pictures. I’m glad that it went well and that you’re healing because I know how much you love your sports. It was really fun to see the great vacation memories too!

  4. Andy says:

    Thanks Kristen! Get some sun for me today!

  5. JoeBruin88 says:

    These pictures are very cool, especially the first one.

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