Who They Be? Well They Be Us!

I added new songs to my home page under “Songs On Repeat.” I’ve been really digging these songs lately, and continuously hitting back on my ipod or car or itunes (too bad you can’t hit repeat on Pandora). I hope you enjoy them too. And in case you weren’t aware, there is a little “play” button next to the song on the home page where you can listen to the song.

If you recall, the last time I did this, my site was basically hijacked by China.  Ok, that’s a little dramatic, but I started getting so many downloads of the songs, that my hosting company had to warn me.  I am going to try a new naming convention this time, we’ll see how it goes.

Phoenix RemixesRome
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (Remix Collection)
Neighbours with Devendra Banhart

The band Phoenix is extremely hot and trendy right now.  Deservedly.  Their latest album is the best album, at the very least, from the last 2 years.  Because of this, many other artists wanted to remix their songs.  So Phoenix provided the layers, and these other bands went at it.

One of my favorites from this is the track called Rome.  It is very chilling moody song.  One night I kept it on repeat and listened to it over and over for over 4 hours.

The cover starts at the bridge of the original, and doesn’t really leave.  The bridge has such emotion behind it, it excels on it’s own.  Below is a video of the actual band playing the song, to compare.

Always and forevermore
I call to say I’m on the way
2000 years remain in a trash can
Let burn the cigarette somewhere
Ashes till it falls , falls, falls

The XX

I have been discovering and as Joey would say, inventing a lot of new bands and new music recently.  I have found them from television shows, the inter-webs, or in this song’s case, friends (Thanks Annette!).

Even though the guru disagrees, I think this song falls under the category of “lazy rock.”  It is very melodic and easy to listen and groove to.

It also has a very cool sentiment.  It is a song that talks about having a lover who is your best friend, that you can talk to about anything at all.  In this song’s case, they both feel that they will be together forever, cause they “just know.”

I wanna find myself by the sea
In anothers company
By the sea
I wanna go out to the pier
I’m gonna dive and have no fear
Cos you, you just know
You just do

Freestyle Friday'sHampden Parks
Freestyle Friday’s

This song and artist was one of those completely random discoveries for me.  I even passed it along to a friend who wrote about it on their blog, and the artist went and commented on it!

It is a mash-up of the theme song from the TV show “Parks and Recreation” by an artist named e-dubble.  This artist, does freestyle raps and provides the audio for free on his website.  So far I like his style.  This song is very catchy and one day at work recently, found myself listening to it on repeat for about 60 straight times.

speak when necessary
no i’ve never been a loud mouth…
im a business man
and a buisness, man
obstacles made me who I am…
yes you know the name
young english, black paisley…
who they be, who they be, who they be, who they be,
well they be us

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2 Responses to “Who They Be? Well They Be Us!”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andy Morales. Andy Morales said: songs that I have had on repeat: http://andymorales.com/snideremarks/who-they-be-well-they-be-us/ […]

  2. […] may recall that I featured this artist last time I made a Songs On Repeat posting. I also had the privilege of interviewing him for a Matters of […]

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