Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

Rap Battle Gone Bad
(With Translations)

November 21st, 2008

Tommy’s Got His Six String In Hock

November 17th, 2008

This kid is so talented then I could ever be at guitar even with years and years of practice.  Amazing. 

Crazy Cool Medallions

November 17th, 2008

Justin Timberlake is extremely talented–and that could be an understatement.  The man can do almost no wrong.  He even got a free walk during “wardrobe malfunction.”  Not only had he had a succesful singing career–with 2 different groups–, but he is also an actor, great at sketch comedy, a great dancer, and is a 6 handicap golfer who wants to make the PGA tour.  And of course he is good looking.   Like they say about James Bond, “Every woman wants him and every man wants to be him.” He has done a variety of SNL bits and commercials, that I thought I would post them here for enjoyment.


The Barry Gibb Talk Show 1
Was not embeddable:

The Barry Gibb Talk Show 2

Superbowl Pepsi Commercial

Espys:  Intro

Espys:  Why I Love Sports

Espys: The Year in Sports

SNL:  Hosting a Full Show In 2 Minutes

SNL:  Single Ladies

 SNL:  Homelessville

D**k in a Box:  Uncensored Version

The Love Guru:  Promo

The Love Guru:  Sings Celine

My Love Video

My Love & LoveStoned @ Victoria Secret

What Goes Around

NSYNC:  Bye Bye Bye

DDS..a dentist, did I use the phrase improperly?

November 15th, 2008

"I am a dentist, couldn't be prouder! I am a dentist, yell a little louder!!"

I haven’t had much luck with dentists over the last few years.  It seems that when I finally find one that I like and trust, that my insurance at work changes.  When that occurs, I have to start the process of finding a new dentist.  Due to time and energy and priorities, this will often take me upwards of 6 months.  I will then finally get an appointment.

My goal is to get on a regular professional cleaning schedule, say once every 6 months.  But when you go to a dentist for the first time, they often do not want to do a cleaning the first visit, but merely a consultation.  It seems like, much of the rest of the business world, that they just want to make an extra buck, and an extra visit gets them paid extra.

One thing that dentists try to get an extra buck on, is something they like to call a “deep cleaning.”  I have had friends of friends of dentists say that a deep cleaning is just a hoax in an attempt to extricate money from the patient.  I have had this experience twice. 

I went to a dentist once in Rancho Bernardo.  This dental experience was a sham from the moment I arrived.  I walked in and they wanted to charge me a $5 co-pay.  Mind you, it wasn’t a co-pay that my insurance required, but merely the dentist. 

I get myself into the chair, of course, for just the inspection and not a cleaning.  As the dentist is peering into my gaping mouth, he is breathing on me, and it is despicable smelling breath.  After his review of my periodontal offering, I was told that I would need a deep cleaning.  The was the last time I visited that dentist.  After another 6 month period of trying to find a new dentist, I finally received the cleaning I wanted.  That next dentist I went to, told me that my teeth looked great and took care of them.

As things have gone for me, my insurance coverage shortly thereafter changed.  I was back on the dentist street, having to fend for myself.

About 6 months ago, I went to a dentist in Carmel Mountain Ranch.  I loved the potential of a dentist not too far from my office.  I went there, did my typical bleeding, and once again was told that I would require a “deep cleaning,” and it would cost me about $1,200 out of my own pocket.  The last time I went to that dentist.

This last week, I finally went to a dentist again.  I sat there in the waiting room and my mind was taking notice of everything in the room, everything on the walls.  All of the plaques and certificates and cancellation warnings.  And then I noticed the piece of paper on the counter top.  The words jumped off the page:  “DEEP CLEANING.”  I was doomed again I thought.

I was not impressed with the office as they took me back to the chair.  Even when I was getting my teeth x-ray’d, they had to slide things out of the way on the floor with their feet.  This was not going well.  And then the dentist surprised me.  He said that my teeth were in good shape, and that despite my troubles in creating the habit of flossing, that my gums were in decent strength as well.  And then he said that he would do a cleaning that day.  The best part was that I did not hear the words “deep cleaning.”

Now I did the cleaning, and I even filled out the postcard to remind me of a visit 6 months from now.  But there are factors that I will still have to consider.  The first factor that I haven’t mentioned, is that the cleaning seemed really quick, and not very well done.  They did not floss my teeth, there wasn’t a heavy polishing (though, they did do this briefly), and there definetly wasn’t any t.l.c or mouthwash.  The second factor that I will have to consider, is that my dental insurance is changing again as of the first of the year.  I will more then likely have to start the search all over again.

Since I’m blabbing on about the bad dentists, I must say that the best dentist I have ever had local to the Poway/Rancho Bernardo area, is a dentist that is in the Twin Peaks shopping center–to the right of target.  With a busy work schedule, it was nice that that dentist, twice a week, would stay open till 9pm.  It was very convenient.  I went to that dentist for a couple years while I worked at Tierranet.  And then, of course my work insurance changed.

Eating Crazy Cheese Like You’d Think I’m From Paris

November 13th, 2008

So I suck at the game rockband. But for some reason, despite it sounding crappy, I am able to rock the microphone. Check out this score I got last night, and the level!  Granted, it was on a song (So Whatcha Want) that didnt require much pitch, but still, on expert level.

And since The Beastie Boys are the topic of conversation, 2 other tidbits:

1. In 5th grade at a school “talent” show, Myself, Guy Cline, Jeff Glover and Mike Margeson did an airband to the beastie song “slow and low” (only after paul revere and girls and practically every song on that album got rejected for different reasons by the teachers).  We used tennis raquets that we covered in black electrical tape, as our guitars, and we looked pretty foolish.  Craig Markley and his crew won the event when they did an airband to a Poison song -that somehow made it thru the censors (Talk Dirty To Me)- but using real electric guitars that they had rented.  By the way, if anyone has a video of that event, that would be sweet to see.

2.  One of the best music videos ever (and awesome running song I might add), sabotage, is below for your viewing pleasure.  A college friend of mine, Matt “pickles” Pelascini once did a recreation of this video which was pretty sweet.  Matt, if by chance you ever read this, I would love to see that video again.

Elevator PSA

November 3rd, 2008

Warning, this funny video on racism includes some swear words


October 30th, 2008

Why vote?   Well, voting is a civil right, hard-won for all citizens, races, and gender and is the foundation of our democracy. Voting is also a privilege.  Millions of people around the world have no say in who governs them, so don’t squander the opportunity and frankly, power that you posses.   And finally, as opposite as it may seem, every single vote really does count.

Here is a great PSA that I just came across.  There were times during it that I was busting up laughing, and other times where my eyes got a little moist. 

Start Living!

October 23rd, 2008

Every Time That Flag’s Unfurled

October 23rd, 2008

Starting in October 2008, there will be a more difficult test for people who want to become U.S.citizens.  From a list of 100 questions, 10 will be asked at random to help determine a person’s knowledge of U.S. history and government and whether he or she is allowed to become a U.S.citizen.

The following 10 questions are featured as part of the new test.  How many can you answer correctly?  The answers will be posted in the comments section.  While taking the test, please enjoy the great music video at the bottom of this post.

  1. How many amendments does the constitution have?
  2. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  3. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government.  What is one power of the federal government?
  4. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states.  What is one power of the states?
  5. What is one responsibility that is only for U.S.citizens?
  6. What are two rights only for U.S.citizens?
  7. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution.  Name one of the writers.
  8. Name one U.S. territory.
  9. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?
  10. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.

Viva La Vida

October 22nd, 2008

I have been thinking a lot lately, with the help of Coldplay, about the concept of “Viva La Vida.”  The Horace idea of Carpe Diem has been a popular saying for a long time, and even more famous since the movie The Dead Poet’s Society.  I am not a fan of overused and trite sayings, so I never did latch on very well to carpe diem.  But I have been latching on to the coldplay thought.  And even more, as you can see in the image, the idea of I Viva.  I live.

I want to live.  I want to live the life.  Long Live the Life.

How is that being applied to my life?  Nowhere yet.  haha.  I am still really determining what it means to me.  Does it mean to just have no worries and do whatever makes me feel good?  Or does it mean to be more focused and determined and goal oriented.  I think it applies to both.  I think its more of a idea that comes into my head at any moment and encourages me and inspires me.

One area where it has definetly been a theme to me, is to take advantage of each day of life.  The older I get, I have been getting sad.  It used to be because I was sad on the life I was missing, that I was leaving behind, that i could never get back.  But more and more now, I get a little sad at getting older, mainly because that means everyone else is getting older too.  I don’t want to lose those that I love.  And so in taking advantage of each day, I want to tell someone I love them, I want to tell someone I think they are good at something, i want to encourage someone.  And even more, I want to see or just be with someone–spending time with and soaking up memories with loved ones.

How many years do I have left in “youth.”  How many years do grandparents have left?  The answer for both, sadly, is less then 10.  I just recently went to my 10 year college reunion.  As I was there, it really felt like old times, and I felt so grateful for my relationships and my experiences.  But also, as you could imagine, people would often say “i can’t believe its been 10 years already.  It feels like yesterday.”  Time moves quickly.  I will be losing many loved ones over the next 10 years.  To steal a line from a cheesy aerosmith song, another lyric I have been thinking about, “and i don’t wanna miss a thing.”  I dont want to miss out on people on life on new adventures, on finding joy in the mundane.  I want to live the life.  Viva la vida.  And even more specifically, VIVA (I live).

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand…

(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)

This Week I'm Thinking About: Vicki Flock