Every Time That Flag’s Unfurled

Starting in October 2008, there will be a more difficult test for people who want to become U.S.citizens.  From a list of 100 questions, 10 will be asked at random to help determine a person’s knowledge of U.S. history and government and whether he or she is allowed to become a U.S.citizen.

The following 10 questions are featured as part of the new test.  How many can you answer correctly?  The answers will be posted in the comments section.  While taking the test, please enjoy the great music video at the bottom of this post.

  1. How many amendments does the constitution have?
  2. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  3. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government.  What is one power of the federal government?
  4. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states.  What is one power of the states?
  5. What is one responsibility that is only for U.S.citizens?
  6. What are two rights only for U.S.citizens?
  7. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution.  Name one of the writers.
  8. Name one U.S. territory.
  9. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?
  10. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.

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3 Responses to “Every Time That Flag’s Unfurled”

  1. Andy says:


    1. How many amendments does the constitution have?

    2. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

    3. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
    To print money, declare war, create an army, make treaties

    4. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states?
    To provide schooling and education, provide protection (police) and safety (fire departments), give a dirver’s license, approve zoning and land use

    5. What is one responsibility that is only for U.S.citizens?
    To vote or to serve on a jury

    6. What are two rights only for U.S.citizens?
    To apply for a federal job, vote, run for office, carry a U.S. passport

    7. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.
    James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Publius (the pen name used by the three authors)

    8. Name one U.S. territory.
    Puerto Rico, U.S.Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam

    9. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?
    John Roberts

    10. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.
    Missouri River, Mississippi River

  2. Lisa says:

    what a fun quiz! Isn’t the charter our founding fathers set up incredible!!!

  3. Andy says:

    How did you do on the quiz? I failed miserably.

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